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  • » Final Fantasy [Un jeu de cartes AAAA]
The tag
The Baygon
Nomura_the_rpgsavior a écrit :

.  I've almost 25 hours with the game (basically playing non-stop since I got it, minus a few minutes for shower + food as well as 2 hours of sleep lol) and I am personally loving it so far.

There are a few, tiny things that aren't perfect (textures seems to be fucked up in some cases e.g.) but overall… I was shaking the whole time. But to be fair: I like cheesy, very "Japanese" games. I can see people disliking it for being very "Anime" – be it the voice-acting, certain tropes and of course the gesture & facial expressions-

So far I like the most the characterization! There are a lot of good scenes between the main cast and I fell in love with characters I didn't even care that much for… for example Aerith… don't get me wrong: She has an important role and all but her stereotype usually does not click well with me but the Remake made me really like her a lot – especially in combination with Tifa: Girl Power!
She is even fun to play, which I did not anticipate because I am usually more of a "berserker" which isn't a good play-style for her weapon abilities etc.

What really annoys me is the fact that you have to press and hold the triangle-button even if it makes no sense? It was like that in the demo already but it's also in full game… and a lot on top of that.

Sometimes I also think the side-quest from a certain recurring characters are a bit strangely explained… it took me a while to understand what he wanted from me with his first "batch" of orders.

Cloud is adorable… I love him very much. And Barret is a very fun combo with Cloud, especially when the scene also includes Marlene (or Barrets feelings for Marlene)…

Gameplay is fun as hell, I grinded too much, tho… so some things have to wait until I play hard mode (it's basically impossible [for now] to learn enemy abilities because they usually die the second I join the battle lol…)…

Ehrm… I've a lot to say but I honestly want to continue playing!