C'est le T-800, pas le T1000 Sinon ouai c'est ça...
@Seiken3: c'est fait pour plaire aux féministes de base, les figures masculines sont soit ridiculisé (le T-800 qui est décorateur et qui change les couches ), soit annihilés de manière pure et simple
John Connor, le chef de la résistance que le T-1000 n'a même pas réussi à tuer, se fait tuer au bord de la plage comme ça tranquille émile par un Terminator sorti de nul part
Petit résumé d'Arnold lui-même (qui a perdu ses couilles après avoir niqué la femme de chambre)
"Interestingly enough, I'm a little bit of a frustrated decorator, so I get involved in those things. The way we decorated our house was for certain rooms, I would say to Maria (Shriver), you're in charge of those, bedroom, her office or whatever, where she felt like she knew exactly the way she wanted it.
But like with the living room, study and other rooms, I was more involved with that, or in our Sun Valley home. And I really have good taste. It's always helpful when you have a bit of the European and American influences and a bit of the international.
I work with decorators well and we go out and pick materials. Those are my lines [in the movie], by the way, just notes written in the script, about the polka dots [on the drapes] and all of this stuff. It just happens to be that they left those lines in the movie, because they wanted to have more of me in the movie than they originally thought."
Arnold Schwarznegger
"As Carl, Arnold is a completely domesticated man with a wife (Alicia Borrachero) and a son that he helped raise from the get-go, including changing diapers "without complaining." Referring to a line in the movie about being a hands-on dad and husband, the former bodybuilder, now 72 years old, said:
"It was a really great line, because he was addressing exactly what most women really like.""