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  • » E3 2019 [Cyber Keanu, zéro gameplay et FF7R HYPE]

https://www.reddit.com/r/fromsoftware/c … unt_so_we/

Apparemment Great Rune serait pas forcément dans la mythologie nordique.

Summary, if anyone cares:

-level design with larger levels and more interconnected world design
-deeper lore
-fashion is back
-co-op and PvP is back
-has "old school inspirations"
-high fantasy
-Set in[early medieval] Britain or Scotland
-dark, deep ocean creatures like sirens
-more creativity in builds (not sure I interpreted it right?)
-more immersive, more room to play how players want

The game takes a lot from Gaelic, Celtic, and general British Isles. Some really creepy stuff in this game, dark fantasy through the roof.

hichanbis (31 May 2019)