Au tardmi les petits !

Kelevra04 - 05 Feb 2016

Ecco Defender of the future cette putain de mega claque dans ma tronche smiley39
Je suis tellement deg que la licence ne revienne pas.


En attendant la sortie de RE 1.5

Un mod complet de RE2 vient de voir le jour :

Stand alone, pas besoin du jeu de base.

La liste des features :

New story full of cutscenes and events. There are about

   30 cutscenes and 3 unlockable endings.

- A more complex route than the original game

   (because of doors's locks and item locations).

- A very funny gameplay. Can be quite scary in some moments.

- From the beginning to the end, you can kill about 250-300 enemies.

  (they have infinite respawns in some areas).

- New sounds for main characters, enemies and weapons.

- New soundtrack, that will multiply the enjoyment of the mod.

  Some tracks are composed for this mod.
- Enemies can drop ammo, weapons and keys; so you

   must kill to survive!

- A survival horror atmosphere.
- A cool design for the inventory and other stuff.
- New enemies.

- A hardcore difficulty.

- New combinations for items.

- New gameplay mechanics.

- Optional situations where you can choose what do you want to do.

- Very well worked sound for cutscenes and events.

- 3 Easter Eggs.

Le site :