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The Baygon


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Wii U
- The problem is that people think it's an accessory for Wii
- They can't cut the price
- The Gamepad needs to be emphasized more
- The first game to emphasize the Gamepad will be Mario Kart 8, which uses off-tv play
- They will announce NFC games at E3.

General Direction
- No major changes in company's direction
- Further hardware R&D will continue
- They won't release games on other peoples platforms, including mobile
- They want to have a platform where the platform is not the device, but rather the user (IE integrated over multiple hardware platforms)
- They are considering a streaming service
- They have solved technical hurdles related to Virtual Consoles
- They will license characters to new partners -- it's unclear if this means merchandise or games

- Nintendo wants to get into health care and wellness and lifestyle products
- They want to improve your quality of life
- This has nothing to do with games
- They want to announce ways to make you healthy
- This will not involve wearable devices because there are too many of those.
- This is integrated with games
- This will launch in April 2015


Edit par The Baygon (30 Jan 2014)