05 Dec 2012
*Activision tried to scale down the COD engine to fit on the vita, something that Sony said wasn't a good idea but activision did anyway. From what I hear they worked on it for 18 months(!). *It didn't work. *Sony sent over Nihilistic to start from scratch using the engine they just created for resistance. *They created the entire game from the middle of May to the middle of October. *The reason it *had* to come out this year was because the contract the two (sony and activision) signed stipulated that it would come out at this time and sony paid 12 million in marketing as part of this contract. Basically, it sounds like its a clusterfuck to change a release date when there is a contract between two huge entities like this. *Ive also heard from multiple people that it was 100% activision's call to charge $50. 12 putain de millions. |