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anglikkk presents rise of a bouffon

CluBpop - 15 Oct 2012

'Female participants with a circumcised regular partner were slightly more than 35% more likely to report that their sexual needs were insufficiently fulfilled.

From the Conclusions section: "Circumcision [circumcised status] was associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in Danish men and with a range of frequent sexual difficulties in women, notably orgasm difficulties, dyspareunia and a sense of incomplete sexual needs fulfilment."'

"A recent survey showed that of American women who had experienced both kinds of intercourse, 89% preferred intercourse with an intact penis."

"O'Hara and O'Hara
reported that women who had experienced coitus with both intact and circumcised men preferred
intact partners by a ratio of 8.6 to one."

"Women reported they were
significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised
than with genitally intact men"

"Of the women, 73% reported that circumcised men tend to thrust harder and deeper, using elongated strokes, while unaltered men by comparison tended to thrust more gently, to have shorter thrusts, and tended to be in contact with the mons pubis and clitoris more, according to 71% of the respondents."