Je lis les romans Halo. Si, si.

Pso - 02 Jul 2009

Oui enfin je préfère ça que la petite enfant battue ou abandonner parce que ses parents ce sont fait bouffer devant elle. La fille maudite dans un corps de 8 ans et inexpressif parce qu'elle à jouer l'apprentie sorcière.... Ouais bof j'ai vu plus bidon. Et puis bon le jeu sans fou tellement qu'il le résume en 4 lignes sur l'encyclopédie du personnage.

a écrit :

Lymle Lemuri Phi (2):
Lemurisians are generally small in size, a product of the environment they live
in, but there is another reason why Lymle looks so much younger than her 15
years: At the age of six, an errant symbol pattern she drew opened a portal to
the demon realm, sending several decades' worth of hatred and fear flowing into
her heart all at once. To keep herself from breaking down, she shut off all
emotional outlets in response. Since then, she has not aged one bit, her body
and behavior frozen at a state of being six years old. Cerberus, a denizen of
the demon realm, extracted her from the portal upon sensing her fear, thus
becoming her servant and guardian. Fearless and strong to the core, she is
thoughtful and considerate of others, but while she doesn't show it on her
face, she also craves attention and is emotionally dependent on others to a
large degree.
DOB: June 20 (Gemini) Age: 15