
Cheftrottoir - 25 Mar 2024

C'est pas pour ces untermenschen de terroriste débilou que j'ai de la compassion, mais envers l'idée que je me fais d'un Etat.

Là genre voir l'état Russe se mettre au niveau de barbarie de ces connards, désolé mais ça me fait pitié

BoBi - 25 Mar 2024

C'est un trophée montrant qu'on (l'Etat et le peuple Français) a été plus fort que lui et ses commanditaires.

Et puis https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-libra … iderations

A New York study compared a $1.4 million cost figure for each death penalty trial with $602,000 for the cost of life imprisonment for 40 years in noncapital cases. Florida has estimated that the true cost of each execution is approximately $3.2 million, or approximately 6 times what it would cost to keep the person in prison for life. Finally, regardless of whether it is possible to attach specific dollar amounts to each level for each category of offense, at every step in the process the defendant receives greater constitutional guarantees in a capital case than in a noncapital case. Therefore, the only possible conclusion is that capital punishment is more expensive than life imprisonment.