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  • » Persona 5 [Col roulé Citroën, homme herbivore et chasse aux Shemales]
L'IA de l'antimatière

Je parcours un peu youtube à la recherche des dialogues optionnels, fins alternatives et compagnie.. je tombe sur (période palace 3)

A high school girl was taken into custody at an establishment for illegal services the other day... even through her drug-induced stupor, she managed to identify one name clearly-yours.

edit : un des commentaires smiley11

Imagine how awkward it must be for Sae to hear Joker tell her this in his drug induced memory lapsing.

"Um...so...I just kinda hung around for a few weeks... ate some ramen... did some fishing... read some books on building charm... then one day the cops showed up and told me your sister was gang raped while saying my name. Then they arrested me. And uh.. I guess that's how I got here... right?"

"....I'll just be leaving."


Jojo (13 Aug 2017)